Downtown Huntsville Library
Sample Standalone Event Title (no more than 6 words, short is best)
Friday, April 24, 2026 12:15 p.m. – 1:15 p.m.
Catchy intro sentence! (Grab their attention with something interesting i.e. Want to know more about the weather?) 2nd and third sentence should tell you subject of program, branch name, and if outsider speaker speaker's name and title. If art program final sentence should be supplies needed, supplies provided, and/or cost.
Second paragraph is where you would put more in depth information. Speaker's short bio. More about topic. No more than five sentences preferable.
Room Event is Being Held In -- Library Branch
Questions? Contact (generic branch email [not personal])
Add to Calendar
2026-04-24 12:15:00
2026-04-24 13:15:00
Sample Standalone Event Title (no more than 6 words, short is best)
Join us at [Branch] to [subject of program; i.e. Learn Hairbraiding, Paint with Watercolors, Learn about WWII Alabama] with [Presenter (if outside presenter include otherwise end before with)]
Downtown Huntsville Library