North Huntsville Public Library
Spanish Conversation Club/Club Español de Conversación
Tuesday, March 18, 2025 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Come practice your Spanish at the library!
Ven a practicar tu español a la biblioteca!
With the guidance of a native speaker, we will have a presentation in Spanish and small groups for listening and speaking practice.
All levels are welcome and speaking is not required.
El tema de la conversación, así como el vocabulario y algunos tips gramaticales serán enviados por correo electrónico previo a la sesión.
Please email kdelong@hmcpl.org
Vocabulary, example sentences and conversation prompts will be emailed prior to the meeting.
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2025-03-18 17:30:00
2025-03-18 18:30:00
Spanish Conversation Club/Club Español de Conversación
Come practice your Spanish at the library!
Ven a practicar tu español a la biblioteca!
North Huntsville Public Library